some flybase phenotypes are not mapped to their relevant FBbt or any other ontology classes.
for example. there's an annotation between a genotype and the phenotype `adult abdomen & macrochaeta | an…
Downloaded all-layers.ttl. I guess the same comments apply to other export formats
- please sort statement clusters : first classes, then datatypes, then properties, then individuals, then Source ref…
We have some default colors for some ontologies in our kgviz stylesheet:
The latest release (2019-11-12) is a big improvement over the previous version. When standing alone, all classes are satisfiable. After being incorporated into vertebrate.owl though, some of them be…
Need to replace the following postprocessing cypher:
[ ]
MERGE (n:Site:Individual {label:'FlyBase'}) ON CREATE SET n.iri='http://flybase.org', n.link_base='http://flybase.org/reports/', n.shor…
We should consistently adopt a simple subdivision: exocrine gland = acinus + duct
While I cannot share the node embedding (for now) since I am gzipping it to upload it on internet archive, in the meantime I can share some visualizations on the TransE embedding made with the GraPE l…
Analogous to the TransE visualization, but this time with CBOW (first order random walk sampling).
Sirarat Sarntivijai from twitter @SSirarat 6h6 hours ago
What would be your recommended term for plant's 'gall tissue' (MAT_00003541) if I were to map to PO?
Hi there,
The VIVO ontology and the eagle-i resource ontology (ERO) have been merged into
what is now called the VIVO-ISF ontology.
Can we mark ERO as no longer under active development and in…