classification problem
linear regression problem
logistic regression problem
squared loss
mean square error(MSE): average squared loss per example over the whole dat…
Post your questions here about: “[Training and Taming Deep Networks](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gne-oWcJs1p5sEjUumapq6HKeaOet3EHxJ-Ij0LuTro/edit?usp=sharing)” OR “[The Expanding Universe of D…
lkcao updated
2 years ago
As discussed in https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/issues/12464#issuecomment-433815773 and https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/issues/15358#issuecomment-549048650 in some specific u…
## 术语卡
* 术语:Peceptron(感知机)
* 印象:
* Frank Rosenblatt在1957年提出
* 其规则为(其中`x`是输入,`w`是权重(weights),`b`是阈值(threshold)。输出为二元输出。
hysic updated
7 years ago
### svm_loss_naive
**SVM loss function**
for i in xrange(num_train):
Repository cloned at 17.8.2022 22:05
The project seems to have all the building blocks in place. There is a GUI and means to train and evaluate the model. However, since there is no manual yet, I a…
### Idea Contribution
- [X] I have read all the feature request issues.
- [X] I'm interested in working on this issue
- [X] I'm part of GSSOC organization
### Explain feature request
This tutorial …
The order of operations when using all singular values is currently sqrt(trace(T'T)) - note this is not the case when using topK.
Equation (10) in Andrew's original paper due to notation is slightl…
Hi, is it possible to run a subsection of these versions of CCA on GPU? If so, would you please write down a short example?
Lecture02 Questions