Post questions here about the following exemplary reading:
So, Richard and Hoyt Long. 2015. “[Literary Pattern Recognition: Modernism between Close Reading and Machine Learning](https://www.journal…
- [x] Noah's [Critical Inquiry article](https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/699587)
- [x] Melanie's [EXAG paper](https://www.aaai.org/ocs/index.php/AIIDE/AIIDE17/paper/viewFile/15917/15…
@lcerrato and @simonastoyanova what is your recommendation for the default value of place in the note elements as we convert them from P4?
"unspecified" I think is the default right now and default…
## Subject: Nutting Variorum: ideas for an application in archival description contexts
Dear Taylor,
As I told you in our first conversation via Instagram, I was completely mind-blown by your Wo…
- Leaflet.js (Google map, lots of other layers, via plugins)
- Mapbox.js, Mapbox GL.js: OSM (newer, not as mature -- direct tile access)
- OpenLayers 3 (no built-in google support, b/c no direct til…
I can not recall if this was in the parsers list, but it should be a high priority, in light of a new package to which we are subscribing (Routledge EBA).
Taylor and Francis E=books:
At Manchester we've used **custodialHist** and **custEvent** in some collections to document exhibitions - is this a recommended use of the element?
Please consider adding Lato version 3 (almost finished): https://github.com/latofonts/lato-source
Share DH projects of interest here for afternoon discussion on [Day 2](https://github.com/PalouseDH/symposium/blob/master/2019/day-2.md).
We will work together to explore the data, people, tools, an…