~/.config/sway on main [!]
❯ typora
typora: error while loading shared libraries: libcups.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
❯ emerge --info
### Describe the bug
After driving a couple miles, I noticed "Poor GPS reception" persist on the UI, as seen in...
I am creating this issue simply to track some information about deviation. Comments in the code says that Micronet uses an approximately 38kHz deviation. That fits well with a 76.8kbaud rate (+-38kHz)…
### Description of defect
PSA build system symbols are changing for Mbed 6. Binaries shipped with these symbols should be rebuilt and verified.
The following symbols are being removed:
BPO | [22430](https://bugs.python.org/issue22430)
--- | :---
Nosy | @ned-deily
Files | [configure.log](https://bugs.python.org/file36638/configure.log "Uploaded as text/plain at 2014-09-17.13:33:34 by…
- we have a *uBlox* GPS receiver card inside the chassis of the robot - connected to the computer via USB
- `gpsd` - Ubuntu GPS demon that receives the actual hardware information via USB
- how ma…
Would it be possible to add support for this board
With this shield
samuk updated
2 years ago
Problem: esp32 does not connect to LTE (but it does connect to GPRS!)
In the code, esp32 fails to get network (modem.waitForNetwork() line)
Modem Name: SIMCOM SIM7000G
Modem Info: SIM7000G R1529
### Description of the task
Mainboard rev v2 has support for the ublox odin262 chip, but doesn't provide a way to reset the chip making it harder to command it using AT commands. The u-blox board i…
@LorenzMeier @dogmaphobic @DonLakeFlyer We need some UI work to get RTK GPS to a stage where it can be used by the average user. This is applicable for both APM and PX4 flight stacks. This would allow…