I'm applying aegean for the first time to all-sky images from the OVRO-LWA at 60 MHz. I am visualizing in saoimage and overlaying the output region files.
I'm seeing some sources fit well, some not s…
I have a catalogue/sky model of 2000 sources and a list of sources identified by Aegean which has ~4500 sources.
Running fits_warp in cross matching mode results in a index out of bounds error deep…
I don't see Xios here. Also the North Aegean state and its cities seem to be missing.
Thank you for your interest.
`aegean` has a very long list of arguments/parameters available from the command line, to the point that it takes 2-3 screens to view them all. It would be nice for users to be able to set all the par…
Hi Paul,
Whenever I run BANE I find these errors
`4573:INFO This is BANE v1.10.0-(2022-08-17)
4573:INFO using grid_size (22, 22), box_size (132, 132)
4573:INFO on data shape (2199, 2199)
I am back trying to build my local database using my own braker3_gdna, name-fixed braker3_gff3 and braker3_protein.fa.
The singularity command does not create the label folder and then compl…
- [x] Not in VLO
- Metadata issues:
- [ ] Unclear linguistic annotation
The Source Finding Container currently includes source-finding software (e.g., SOFIA/PYBDSF/AEGEAN) and the source characterizing software called PINK.
There seems to be some difficulty in creatin…
The API documentation is incomplete and not easy to navigate/understand. In order for 3rd parties to more easily integrate Aegean into their processing workflows, this API needs to be updated to becom…
The code is here: https://gitlab.com/Sunmish/flux_warp/
Description paper is: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020arXiv200715199D/abstract
Will work with catalogues generated by Aegean includi…