#### Current behavior:
45 genes are discovered to be uncorrelated with their corresponding reactions in `Transport reactions`.
| Gene| UniProtID| Reaction| GPR| Correlation| Manually check |…
#### Current behavior:
40 genes are discovered to be uncorrelated with their corresponding reactions in `Transport reactions`.
| Gene| UniProtID| Reaction| GPR| Correlation| Manually check|
### Installation Type
### pVACtools Version / Docker Image
Docker container, version 4.4.1
### Python Version
_No response_
### Operating System
_No response_
### Descri…
Dear Sirah Developers/Users,
Is there some documentation on generating parameters for new residues like norleucine, for example?
I would be really grateful for any suggestions.
#### Current behavior:
30 genes are discovered to be uncorrelated with their corresponding reactions in `Transport reactions`.
| Gene| UniProtID| Reaction| GPR| Correlation| Manually check |…
[MolFromSequence()](http://rdkit.org/docs/source/rdkit.Chem.rdmolfiles.html?highlight=pdb#rdkit.Chem.rdmolfiles.MolFromSequence) and [MolFromFASTA()](http://rdkit.org/docs/source/rdkit.Chem.rdmolfiles…
Hi, thanks for releasing Instanovo. I tried denovo predictions on my own data and and received the output csv. It contains only sequence and peptide probability. Could you please let us know, how can …
This is a neat tool. I just have a question about the last column of the output (comma separated aa list), the column says matching amino acids but what is is this match based on? Sequence, 3…
#### Current behavior:
39 genes are discovered to be uncorrelated with their corresponding reactions in `Transport reactions`.
| Gene| UniProtID| Reaction| GPR| Correlation||
#### Current behavior:
31 genes are discovered to be uncorrelated with their corresponding reactions in `Bile acid biosynthesis`/`Bile acid recycling`
| Gene | UniProtID | Reaction | GPR | C…