@yimwy posted:
Hi, I was able to run remove-background with solution mentioned by @ktessema on my windows machine, but here comes the problem and had no luck solving the issue, as seen in screensho…
Thanks for the tool.
**I am not sure how I feel about the determination of which barcodes contain cells. Is it normal for it be so cleanly assigned?**
**In addition, I want to clarify the on…
I am tring to import a BNG model (specifically the example model [_organelle_transport.bngl]_ from [(https://github.com/RuleWorld/BNGTutorial/blob/master/CBNGL/organelle_transport.bngl )](url) into …
I am trying to install the HCPpipeline on Linux and run it for the single subject example data provided. After following the installation instructions for all the prerequisites and the pipeline, as we…
I have an issue that is driving me crazy. I have tried installing all kind of compatible versions of cellblender, blender and mcell (3.4) as well as python, and there's the same issue.
I'm wanting to use the new CellBender tool that removes ambient RNA computationally from droplets.
It takes the raw (unfiltered) 10x hd5 file and gives …
When I decimate selected dense areas of the mesh I am getting the error: "ERROR(coarse): Hole ring is not closed. Please contact the developers with this error." CellBlender says this is a watertight/…
Simplest example to reproduce the effect:
Ctrl+A -> Mesh -> Cube
Ctrl+T (triangulate)
Subdivide ~4,5 times
GAMer smooth tris ~5,10 iterations
GAMer Normal smooth
This results in what seems t…
I have no problems installing the master branch releases at various dates from ZIP into Blender.
However when installing the development branch releases, I encounter an error of the following form:
If you have a mesh object in "Edit Mode" and hit the "Show Partition
Boundaries" button followed by the "Hide Partition Boundaries" button, this
will trigger an error.
Traceback (most recent ca…