User request:
" ... predict spring performance after it takes a set."
While compression spring Report2 includes correction factor kw2 and stress calculations appropriate for pre-set springs, there…
## Description
## Environment
1. OS (where OpenBAS server runs): 24.10
2. OpenBAS version: 1.8.2
3. OpenBAS client: NA
4. Other environment details: NA
## application.properties (file)
# Gl…
**Describe the problem**
I'm evaluating CockroachDB in my company for a new initiative we're going to start and I can see the performance degrades over time quite quickly as shown in the …
Version: Spring Boot 2.3.4.RELEASE
When using a content resource chain to cache-bust `.css` and `.js` files, with server compression enabled, and Thymeleaf as the template engine (not sure if it's …
There is a need to support longer, more descriptive names in many of the selection lists of the system. Examples include design names, execute / demo / tutorial sessions, catalog names and possibly o…
## *Hosting Details*
*The Request will be deployed Basic Engineering Mechanics and Strength of Materials Lab*
**Request Type**:
- [ ] Urgent
#### Note: All of the following request parameters …
Move Piston-Cylinder, Solid, Spring/Compression, Spring/Extension, and Spring/Torsion 'Model' design type files into an independent directory. This independent directory should be separate from the S…
Vulnerable Library - spring-cloud-starter-stream-kafka-4.0.3.jar
Path to dependency file: /pom.xml
Path to vulnerable library: /home/wss-scanner/.m2/repository/org/springframework/cloud/spring-clou…
We're working on onboarding for backend project to include browser support. Similar to how we have NextJS, Remix, we want to onboarding for Laravel, ASP.NET, Django, Express, Spring, etc to include a …
From Alexey:
ISO standards exist for mechanical spring nomenclature.
[ISO 26909:2009(en) Springs — Vocabulary](https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso:26909:ed-1:v1:en)
[ISO 2162-2:1993 T…