I tried to run Deepvariant v1.0.0 by docker image.
But it returned error message when I run test dataset.
Here is the code:
# BIN_VERSION="1.0.0"
# INPUT_DIR="${PWD}/quickstart-tes…
I just followed "DeepVariant quick start" guide, which was successful.
Then, I've replaced the reference and reads with my own files and ran following commands but failed to get vcf files…
Given that academic HPCs do not have root privileges it is not possible to run docker and one needs to use singularity. I think it would helpful to your user-base if you added a section on singularity…
Hi Teng, I am afraid we can not discuss at a closed issue section, so I create a new issue with a new name.
I know the getcnnfeature() function will be called whenever rnn layer>0 or not. But from…
I presume that this already works, but it should be briefly tested and then mentioned in the documentation.
What is the difference, in terms of format, between an HTS question file and a merlin question file? Can I use an HTS question file for Merlin without modification?
hi, i was using the api to iterate through a range to generate some read statistics and got different results from those from monging the output of a samtools view command direct. eventually i realise…