Tomas and Sarah will create together a GUI web-service on 6. November.
We will use Twitter's [bootstrap](http://getbootstrap.com) library for that. The GUI will be a middle-ware for obtaining the com…
In single-rate PTP, the user can disable the Likelihood-Ratio-Test by setting the p-value to 1.
In multi-rate mPTP, there is currently no option available to disable AIC-Testing. Also, if AIC selects…
Because of problems that emerged with the "small_network" experiments (NetRAX inferring a 0-reticulation network that has better loglikelihood than the "true" simulated network on the simulated MSA da…
How does the number of partitions influence the number of inferred reticulations?
It is obvious that with LikelihoodType.BEST, network inference on an unpartitioned MSA will always lead to a tree.
I know there exist other programs that can do the conversions. However, it can get very time-consuming to set up an analysis pipeline where each program requires another file format. :-(
Maybe we cou…
Dear developers,
I would like to know whether it is possible to get a list of best-fitting models for a batch of MSAs. It would be very helpful for phylogenetic applications involving multiple diff…
is there a specific reason why you use the term _memoization_ in the paper, instead of _lookup table_. It could be confusing for the target audience of the paper which, presumably, is made of bioi…
Now that the columns in the results CSV are fixed (see https://github.com/lutteropp/NetRAX/issues/14), let's list which plots we need. Here are some that I believe make sense to have:
- Use the dat…
Turns out the order of {reticulationOpt, brlenOpt, modelOpt}, and when and how often to call it during the search is affecting which moves are getting accepted.
We need an additional experiment that investigates how the brlen-linkage (especially scaled vs. unlinked) affects the NetRAX inference results.