I am writing to seek guidance regarding the quantification of telomeres using qmotif. Despite successfully deploying qmotif for telomere quantification with an HG38-aligned BAM file and obtaining the…
Same issue for me too
> SaveH5Seurat(object = pbmc, filename = 'pbmc_tmp.h5seurat', overwrite = T)
Warning: Overwriting previous file pbmc_tmp.h5seurat
Creating h5Seurat file f…
I've been seeing my `pyscenic ctx` gets terminated in the middle of the run. My mystery is that it doesn't throw any error message as shown below:
$ singularity shell -B path/to/work…
Dear developers,
I would like to run snapper on a set of reference contigs (not whole genomes). I have native and wildtype data.
single_to_multi_fast5 -i "${nativeFAST5}_single" -s "${nativeF…
I get the following error when running
dev rse
class: RangedSummarizedExperiment
dim: 4446140 26263
assays(1): counts
rownames: NULL
rowData names(2): name bias
Hi, I performed the preprocessing and postprocessing analyses on a cohort of cram files, obtaining two folders, 'motifs' and 'samples', whose content seems to be correct. Also the postprocessing did…
> dev
When running
Hi, I am reading https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/ATACseqQC/inst/doc/ATACseqQC.html and for the TF footprint figure, how the y-axis cut-site probability is calculated?
Is it…
> @mtxellrb A script for creating a track database from bigWig TF ChIP-seq data is now added :`create_cistarget_track_databases.py`
> https://github.com/aertslab/create_cisTarget_da…