Implement setter methods (e.g. to easily change the coefficients for specific filter types) for biquad filters.
Integrate [Pydantic](https://docs.pydantic.dev/) to Flet for enhanced data/input validation.
## Where?
- [ ] Property setters
- [ ] Control Methods
- [ ] Dataclasses
- [ ] ... (?)
I'll also pose this issue as an open question:
With a view towards developers, end-users, etc., is it possible to better organize/compact documentation setter/getter methods for parameters?
This i…
Consider having pure getter/setter methods. For example in PhysicsCharacter.java, `getUpDirection` and `setUp` (I assume these are a pair despite the difference in naming), the getter actually takes i…
### Page URL
### Page source
### Describe the problem
When attempting to serialize the Embedding and TextSegment classes for Redis caching, serialization continuously fails due to the absence of getter and setter methods. I have tried usi…
PHP OOP Concepts Assignment.
Requirements and Tasks:
Abstract Class and Methods:
Requirement: Create an abstract class LibraryItem with abstract methods getTitle and getType.
Task: Define the ab…
[Nasdanika CLI](https://docs.nasdanika.org/core/cli/index.html) operates on top of Picocli.
One of its features is generation of HTML documentation site and support
of [extended documentation](https…
Check the Axegaz Admin UI how get and store teh Transaction column definitions. In 1 hour.
It looks like accessors are not correctly put into the accesor group.
My config looks like this:
"order": [