# Handle
# Vulnerability details
The project is compiled with different versions of solidity, which is not recommended due ti
undefined behaviors as a result of it.
# Handle
# Vulnerability details
## Impact
The solc version used is 0.6.12 which was released in July 2020 (one year is a long time for Solidity given the fast release pace) and is two b…
# Handle
# Vulnerability details
The project is compiled with different versions of solidity, which is not recommended due ti
undefined behaviors as a result of it.
it would be great to add support for diffing Solidity.
For this we can use the existing support from solidity compiler solc
solc --ast-compact-json contract.sol
Flag `--ast-compact-json` …
### Overview
I'm experimenting with brownie and the SMT checker and one thing I'm noticing is that compiler warnings don't show (SMT checker errors seem to be returned as warnings rather than errors)…
# Handle
# Vulnerability details
The project is compiled with different versions of solidity, which is not recommended due ti
undefined behaviors as a result of it.
# Handle
# Vulnerability details
The project is compiled with different versions of solidity, which is not recommended due ti
undefined behaviors as a result of it.
Can I use the Solidity local and offline compiler in RemixIDE for Windows?
I have download the compiler file : soljson-v0.5.16+commit.9c3226ce.js
### Overview
right now to compile only vyper contracts, i do this:
ape compile contracts/*.vy
but that approach is a bit limited.
### Specification
Have it automatically wor…
## Description
The following code snippet causes an error with message `recursive type is not allowed for public state variables`. I cannot find references to "recursive type" in the doc https:…