The WDL 1.0 spec is now out and supported by Cromwell. The [WDL workflows](https://github.com/broadinstitute/viral-ngs/tree/ct-vphaser-wdl/pipes/WDL/workflows) of viral-ngs should be updated to adhere…
``` bash
bash-4.1$ java -cp target/kgem-0.7.1.jar:target/dependency/* edu.gsu.cs.kgem.exec.Main 780.sam 1 && head haplotypes.fa
[main] INFO kGEM - [04:49:55 PM] -----------------------------------…
I am running into an error with the snakemake pipeline installed with easy script. right now I am running just one sample converted from fastq to uBAM using picard tools. I have attached the snakemake…
The rnaSpades mode is heavily focused on mRNA transcriptome assembly and is very aggressive at splicing assemblies into short transcripts. The —meta mode would be more suitable for our DNA/RNA assembl…
With #356, the VCF file created by `intrahost.py`'s `merge_to_vcf` reports read depth, at a given position, only for samples that contain alternate alleles at that position. If a sample has no alterna…
**Generate second coverage report with different options:**
Currently `bedtools genomecov` is used to create coverage reports for aligned bam files. This is great, but it would be helpful to also hav…
@marekkokot Is there a test suite you use to verify correctness of kmc and kmc_tools? If there is, could it be checked into github?
Similar to how we write a spikein report, we should consider adding a report on insert sizes via Picard's `CollectInsertSizeMetrics`.
## Problem description
readjoiner fails with an assertion:
$ gt readjoiner overlap -readset samp -l 90
# gt readjoiner overlap (version 1.2)
# number of reads in filtered readset = 7960
Reported this error when using deplete_blastn_paired.
> BLAST Database error: No alias or index file found for nucleotide database [xxxx.fasta] in search path
Does anyone know why?