Hello @amanda-minter and @avallecam
I'm reviewing the late task tutorials, and I will be raising issues to provide feedback for each specific episode.
I have tried to be as thorough as possible (s…
In order to test out how well our database schema works for certain tasks, I thought we would could run a few trial queries. The idea here is to see how easy it is to get info out of our schema, and …
Eventually more animals will get added. Seeing as I done animals in a unique way, this deserves some explanation.
My "ecological" style of running animals was a proof of concept. (That's why there'…
@julianasopko commented: "noting a discrepancy here in a previous count we seem to have omitted backyard producers but in this count we appear to have included them"
@JacqSauer commented: "I was do…
Hi @liampshaw -
Thanks for helping to make existing biotic interaction data easier to find and access!
I was just looking at your GloBI indexed record at https://www.globalbioticinteractions.org…
Briefly comment on this issue why you are interested in this mini-project.
from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Host_%28biology%29 -
"Reservoir host - an organism that harbors a pathogen but suffers no ill effects. However, it serves as a source of infection to other specie…
Hi,I am interested in the worm-align.
I can't success it in my data. So should I process the pictures ?
I succeed it in the example from github
Thank you very much!
Hi there,
I am stuck at the step of identifying the width of the worm, as when I click OK, Fiji gives me "macro error", saying:
";" expected in line 55
l = line_width 0.8 ;
How could I reso…
Some examples:
- https://tools.wmflabs.org/sourcemd/new_resolve_authors.php?fuzzy=0&name=EnviroGenomarkers+consortium
- https://tools.wmflabs.org/sourcemd/new_resolve_authors.php?fuzzy=0&name=SAPA…