Who could do me a favor?
when I run AF2, came up with HHblits error.
**python ./run_alphafold.py --fasta_paths=XXX.fas**
Can you provide the configuration file for the conda environment?
hi dear support team
i try to install openfold for loading ESMFold, but error in below occured:
use this command: pip install git+https://github.com/aqlaboratory/openfold.git@6908936b68ae89f677552…
Dear RoseTTAFold-All-Atom community,
First thanks a lot for this Wonderfull tool.
I am having some trouble running RFAA, although the installation seems done correctly. I paste the output below, …
Hi! Thank you so much for this project! Very excited to go through your instructions. I have run the preprocess step in `docker-compose` as you have in your instruction with the following command. …
Get the following error running the example protein config:
- 04:11:56.079 ERROR: In /opt/conda/conda-bld/hhsuite_1709621322429/work/src/hhalignment.cpp:223: Read:
- 04:11:56.079 ERROR: seq…
There may be an off-by-one error somewhere in the resampling code called by `pgen_msa.py`.
I have made some [code changes](https://github.com/westlake-repl/SaprotHub/compare/main...YaoYinYing:SaprotHub:main) to this interesting project to enhance maintainability and integratability…
Hi! I installed alphafold following the [non_docker option](https://github.com/kalininalab/alphafold_non_docker) using the reduced version of the databases (reduced_dbs mode), and I have this error:
I ran Singularity with the following command
singularity run --nv -B /gs -B /apps -B /scr ./SE3nv-20240131.sif -m rf2aa.run_inference --config-name protein_complex_sm
However, I get the er…