Hi I was getting a segmentation fault when trying to generate a genomebam,
the command was roughly:
kallisto quant -t 6 \
-i mm10-M21_minimal-male/mm10-M21_minimal-male-kallisto-0.46.2.…
I encountered few cases where some of the Runs within a study had mixed type of reads (most runs were paired-end but couple of them were single-end). The script didn't check if there were 2 files and …
@sbooeshaghi, I went through your [notebook](https://github.com/pachterlab/MBLGLMBHGP_2021/blob/master/notebooks/retina_velocity.ipynb) on the mouse retinal cell analysis. During the normalization of …
We use Kallisto v0.46.0 on Linux and it works very well. But sometimes for some small size libraries it takes much much longer than expected
Those libraries are small size, mostly single-end…
(originally filed in kallisto repo by @egenomics)
If the target_mapping file contains more than two columns sleuth hangs in the reading counts step.
I am running kallisto 0.46.2 in a conda environment (Linux).
I used the command:
kallisto quant -i transcript.index -t 4 -b 2 --genomebam --gtf features.gtf --chromosomes chrm_size.txt …
Dear Author,
Hope you are well. Sorry to reach you again. I have completed the alignment and have some sample workflow from my colleages regarding how to generating gene/transcript count from abun…
Hi ! i on't know if it a bug or not.
I run kalllisto on MacBook Pro M1 Max and I can't see it on Activity monitor.
is it because it's not optimized for M1 ?
If I have three sets of data, each group is repeated twice, where should it be reflected?