First of all, thank you for such an amazing resource.
Are you planning to finish this part? https://github.com/gfxfundamentals/webgl2-fundamentals/blob/master/webgl/lessons/webgl-shadows-continued.…
Any chance that soft shadows (RBDoom3BFG alike) will appear in Dhewm3?
When light is projected onto the keypoint dots, it can disrupt their detection, causing the program to disappear.
Dynamicland has recently fixed this by projecting shadows (black circles) over each…
**Original report ([archived issue](https://osrf-migration.github.io/haptix-gh-pages/#!/osrf/handsim/issues/42)) by Steffi Paepcke (Bitbucket: [spaepcke](https://bitbucket.org/%7B88ec2edf-5653-4e93-b1…
**As**: User
**I want to**: See shadows of 3D objects (builings, trees, ...)
**Because**: It helps planning new builings
ThreeJS includes shadow support for point lights. It would be good to try switching them on in Bivot to see whether the increase in realism is significant, and whether the frame rate impact is managea…
The shadows are properly showing what the player can/can't see, but it would be good if the rectangles can have some amount of fade within them to help make the edges not so sharp.
### Describe the bug
I am using a sodium pack mod that I compiled myself. When I install the shader, the game interface turns black. Same with all items. When I turn off the shader, everything is wor…
they seem to rotate along with the camera