## Description
**A DevOps Community of Practice (CoP) will be formed** to encourage collaboration, promote best practices, and share expertise across project teams. The CoP will have dedicated spaces…
**Note from the teaching team:** This bug was reported during the _Part II (Evaluating Documents)_ stage of the PE. **You may reject this bug if it is not related to the quality of documentation.**
The expected behavior of the az devops project create command is to return project information.
However, the az devops project create command sporadically returns a VS800075 error. Even when VS800075…
Today's development teams follow the practice of [continuous integration (CI)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuous_integration). This trend is fueled by a plethora of (for-free) cloud services s…
lemmy updated
3 weeks ago
## Product Outline
[Consolidating DS Logon and transitioning to Login.gov
## High Level User Story/ies
As a VA.gov User, I need to experience a simplified login experience so I can complete task ef…
kgoudped MINGW64 /c/chef-repo/cookbooks/ChannelSurf/ChannelSurfCli (master)
$ dotnet run ./hbm.zip
## User Stories
_"As a VFS Team member, I need to know the information on the External Service Integrations
is up-to-date and complete, so that I can build on va.gov with confidence"_
## Issue Descri…
it would be great to minimize operating costs. i see two main points here.
1) why is an ory kratos necessary? it has to be maintained/updated etc. basically the most organizations usually has ONE o…
## Status
_Update each sprint until completed_
| Date | Status | Launch Date (see above) | Notes |
| ----- | ------ | ------------------------- | ------ |
| 10/17/24| not-started | on-track | low prio…
If you have multiple teams under a project in Azure DevOps, and you want to add a workitem to a Dashboard in a Team that is not the default team (or primary, or first created), this is no longer possi…