I would like to modify the `DQN.py` in order to make it work with a **continuous action space** (`spaces.Box` from Gym library). This looks like a huge project to me, and I take any advices / ideas th…
### Run Information
Architecture | arm64
-- | --
OS | ubuntu 20.04
Baseline | [5108757b997c59ab8ba1fc5309ab0d4e730e2b77](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/commit/5108757b997c59ab8ba1fc5309ab0d4e…
I would really like to use this environment for Deep RL reserach purposes. But I'm not able to get it to work. Please help. Thanks
Using TensorFlow backend.
[2017-08-28 17:41:07,956] Making …
In the paper it says that RoboHive supports visual domain randomization and scene layout randomization.
I would like to know how to do visual domain randomization and scene layout randomizat…
I've been using some of the excellent pre-trained models from DQN and its variants. However, looking at more recent algorithms (PPO, A2C, TRPO, etc.) it seems like [we're now using a different …
Thank you for your excellent work.
However, when I train multiple agents in a highway environment, the network doesn't seem to converge.
The checkpoint rewards obtained after training for every thou…
I really enjoyed working with this repo.Thanks for making d3rlpy, which helped me a lot to get started in offline RL.
I just got into offline RL. There are many parameter indicators recorded in the l…
Will this repo be the place where multiple reinforcement learning algorithms (q-learning, A3C, ...) be implemented for Keras?
As reported on the mailing list https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/sympy/q-PFfax0YmU.
Here is what happens when keyboard interrupting
In [17]: solution2= solve([k + m*exp(-k*0), k + m*exp(-…
Lately, there has been an explosion of interest in using Deep Reinforcement Learning to learn to play Atari 2600 games. I would like to get in on this trend by integrating this code into MM-NEAT. MM-N…