### Cura Version
### Operating System
### Printer
Voron V0.2
### Reproduction steps
i use the triangle support structure with conical support to support large overhanging areas. In …
mcp 2.0 will support `stan` in addition to JAGS. It is far out in the future but this issue collects working points.
- [ ] Obviously, generate a `stan` model, pass data, and sample it.
- [ ] Sup…
Just coming across this now while teaching using Stan. Several participants report this error message when installing BayesPostEst:
The rjags package is just an interface to the JAGS library
Compared to standard JAGS implementations the `mcmc` object generated by nimble with the option `samplesAsCodaMCMC=TRUE` has empty spaces after the comma in dimnames.
varname[1, 1]
instead of
this may be slow as it involves re-running the JAGS model several times. the current approach is just to do one run with the mean GI. a middle-ground between these two approaches would be to sample th…
Currently, MCON can be written by:
- bali-phy 4.0 beta
- revbayes, with PR https://github.com/revbayes/revbayes/pull/377
To add:
- BayesCode https://github.com/bayesiancook/bayescode
- PhyloBay…
My version
V = reward * exp(-a*(delay^b))
This is very similar to the discount function proposed by Ebert & Prelec (2007):
V = reward * exp(-(a*delay)^b))
- [x] add to unit tests
Add support for inference with just a single locus (e.g HLA-B). Add simplified JAGS models to support this.
Hello Zhi,
I am trying to run the HiLDA tutorial provided with 3 flanking bases instead of 5 bases on your simulated data and esophageal data. This is the code that I ran (for the simulated data, I…
For the JAGS/stan versions, I think if we have a known observation error in abundances (or can provide a prior on it), we could separate out variance due to observations and that due to underlying pro…