Add to kmc_tools a command that prints (in either human- or machine-readable form) information about a kmer database: kmer size, single-/double- strandedness, number of kmers in the database.
using https://github.com/dib-lab/genome-grist/pull/56, add a notebook or output for summary reporting on sample details.
some code for loading and displaying:
import itables
import glob
* OS: OS X
* Command: `bcalm -in "hg38/hg38.fna" -out "hg38/hg38.bc31.fa" -kmer-size "31" -nb-cores "1" -abundance-min 1`
* Dataset: http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg38/bigZips/hg38.fa.gz…
I have been getting the following error with my data and I am not sure what the problem is. Can someone give me a little education?
--------------- Inchworm (K=25, asm) ---------------------
I work with small marine animals and I have generated five single HiFi libraries from the same species. To avoid issues with the assemblies (heterozigosity, different haplotypes), I decided …
I get the error below when I am running skesa on 2 of my samples
`Raw kmers: 741211059 Memory needed (GB): 14.2313 Memory available (GB): 29.6442 1 cycle(s) will be performed
The version 3.2.0 update says that the "possibility to store only k-mers in the database (no counters)" was implemented; however, I don't see any documentation on how to do this. I m building some ve…
When using
`matchKmers(6,counts_filtered, genome=BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10)`
the function runs successfully but does return only matches for 2080 sequences. Comparinson to a set off all 4096 6me…
I am in the process of determining whether sourmash is the right tool for my metagenomic analyses. I am mostly using ONT data at the moment. Similar to previous posts (e.g. https://github.com/sourmash…
Hi! I'm getting this error when loading a file of around 2MB. Is this a problem of LncLOOM or a problem with the file?
Here is the command I used and the stack trace of the error.
Thank you.