@ScottWales - Well done on putting all this together! I especially like the content on THREDDS - I bet most of the audience will be unaware of the fact that you can analyse data without having the ori…
I feel there is an opportunity to improve the [licensing portion](http://swcarpentry.github.io/git-novice/11-licensing/) in the git lesson by briefly mentioning perhaps in one sentence the value of as…
We require a sample dataset for this tutorial so that there is a standard set of images for users to process as they work through the different stages.
I realised whilst working on #11 that we prob…
Hi all,
Alan O'Cais @ocaisa last year started a draft of a pre-workshop survey for HPC Carpentry (see https://swcarpentry.slack.com/archives/CEXAZR52T/p1626765264085500, and his draft https://hackm…
View RFC7 [here](https://github.com/carpentries/2017Merger/blob/master/RFCs/RFC7.md)
**Q1: Do you have any comments or suggestions on the organisation and role of the Lesson Organisations under the…
Should link to existing git/Github lessons
From meeting March 2022 - can we reach out to the lesson maintainers to offer support on any of these lessons currently in the incubator?
Hi everyone,
I am here to see if there is any plan/interest developing lessons in chemistry and materials science related exercises.
Windows users often don't have R on their path, so having some way to set it by an environment variable (for example) would probably help quite a bit in terms of usability on this platform.
@sstevens2 pointed me to this machine learning carpentry project: