When I run `Rscript -e 'PeakSegPipeline::downloadProblems("hg38", "hg38_problems.bed")' `, I get the following error:
(peakerror) [athersh@biowulf PeakSegPipeline]$ Rscript -e 'PeakSegPipelin…
Data stability on Biowulf has been an issue. I am thinking I have too many connections hitting the database at once. It seems reasonable to migrate to using mongo's build in replicate set capabilities…
jfear updated
7 years ago
**To Do**
[ ] Parse dmmpmm2009 gtf file and pull out TF and q-values.
[ ] For each gene plot the distribution of q-values (if there are >100 hits).
jfear updated
7 years ago
Template submission script should be OpenMPI compatible and export a CUDA-8.0 environment.
See: https://www2.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/relion/index.php/Download_%26_install#Set-up_queue_job_submission
Getting 'vg command not found' error when running toil-vg on whole genome data using the docker image from the URL quay.io/vgteam/vg:v1.5.0-511-g6aebc5d4-t65-run. This error doesn't show up on tests u…
Thanks for providing this in an image on Docker Hub. Would it be possible to create another build with the `--with-rtgtools` option and tag it with `:rtgtools` or some such?
Run Stage II of betagal unit test on a GPU machine locally to confirm that results are reproducible. (i.e. given the same stack of polished particles and a .star list of metadata per particle; the GPU…
mpirun produces non-interactive shells on all hosts, and therefore they do not source /etc/profile.d
Currently, we can get around this by setting the environment in the command passed to mpirun, …
I tried to run nextflow in NIH biowulf cluster which uses slurm.
It works well when I ran with local executor, but with slurm, it failed to run.
Could you help to fix the problem?
Thank you!