I'm trying to run your code and I saw the requirement is BLASR 2.0 but on the BLASR github page installing legacy BLASR isn't possible. So I installed the lastest version (BLASR 5.1) but that version …
To simulate the reads, i.e to execute this command,
`~/RSEM-1.2.29/bin/rsem-prepare-reference --bowtie2 --bowtie2-path ~/bowtie2-2.2.4 ~/annotation/refseq_hg19_unique.fa ~/tra2_simulated_reads/rsem_…
Characterizing the transcriptome of individual cells is fundamental to understanding complex biological systems. Recent developments in single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) technologies…
I’m finding the CellTag system very easy to use (thank you!), but have run into hopefully a few small but solvable problems.
**Pertinent information** – I am using the CellTag V2 library and perfor…
Note: this is my open planning doc for this project. Any feedback/suggestions welcome!
cc @freeman-lab @mckinsel @olgabot
# Overall goals
Use tabula muris data and experiences to help understand …
Hi @CSU-KangHu
Thank you for your tool. I am trying to run the pipeline, using the test data as input (demo/genome.fa). I followed the instructions on running it via Nextflow. I tried to use eithe…
FilterMutectCalls failed with
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: beta must be greater than 0 but got -87566.7500301585
"this error only comes after the first pass of filtermutectCalls comple…
Hi Anvi'o developers,
I've been using the pangenomic workflow a lot, but (1) knowing the genomic context of the genes that are a part of each protein cluster and (2) having quick access to the func…
Hi !
Before operating phamb, i use vamb process binning,
Vamb rum mode: vamb --outdir output63
--fasta R63.contigs.fa.gz
Hello, Zeng:
Sort and locate the HIC heatmap using the reference genome:
(1)minimap2 -x asm20 -N 1 -t 30 ref.fa *.p_ctg.fasta -o asm_to_ref.paf
(2)haphic refsort ../scaffolds.raw.agp asm_to_ref.paf…