As discussed in https://github.com/marcelm/cutadapt/issues/757 adding BAM support to dnaio would have several advantages for cutadapt. The alternative is to defer to pysam instead, and keep dnaio at i…
`Công ty TNHH Giải Pháp Kỹ Thuật Số DH - Mẫu: DH-08.1: Phiếu ghi nhận lỗi phát sinh DHG.Hospital 3.1`
- ![nguoi_ghi_nhan](https://img.shields.i…
The function runs and creates the NucleosomeFree.bam, mononucleosome.bam, dinucleosome.bam, and trinucleosome.bam files, but these files only contain some header info. There are no actual alignment re…
I tried the script on my data set (which is a fragmented bacterial genome extracted from a metagenome).
Rscript --vanilla plot_BAM_density.R -f ../GCA_012799365.1_ASM1279936v1_ge…
I was wondering if you think it would be worth adding support for native parsing of BAM files?
From what I can find, the support for BAM files primarily comes from a BGZF reader together with some…
Hi Brian,
I ran guided trinity's singularity and even thought I didn't run into any error messages all the outputted '.ok' files are empty. I was wondering if this is related to using an unsorted BAM…
May I ask, I used the command samtools view -\@4 -f 4 -f 256-bq 20 to filter the bam file and generate the uniq.bam file? Then use the haphic pipeline p_ctg.fa uniq.bam 40 --RE GATC command and run ba…
data format: "fastq",
name: "Experiment1",
long read files: [
labels: [
I'm also getting a similar error for bulk-RNA data,
> bam_files
Dear author,
I'm trying to run umi dedup on a bam file, but the process is always killed. I've used the same command on many other bams and the process ends, only with two samples, the process is ki…