**[Mingle Card: 2147](https://liquidframeworks.mingle.thoughtworks.com/projects/alpine_mobile/cards/2147)**
Since the update to version 1.12, I have been experiencing difficulties with the XML transformation of the BT-127-notice and BT-728-Procedure fields.
After analyzing this c…
Da ARIA S.p.A., vi segnaliamo che le Business Rules messe a disposizione dal TED al seguente link https://docs.ted.europa.eu/eforms/latest/reference/business-rules/index.html risultan…
It would be great if hyperref could support a `\SignatureField` for digital signatures.
There is some "prior art", see
We welcome measures to ensure improvements in OJEU notices, some of which are considered in the draft eFORMS project (e.g. better quality of information and services, added flexibility, and ease of us…
I'm trying to convert a physical model into a visual model as defined by the notice editor sample project, using the 'TEDEFO-2456-use-of-fields-attribute-information' branch as a base.
### Problem…
- Investigate what changes could benefit the ePO website
- Business overview [page ](https://docs.ted.europa.eu/EPO/latest/business.html)update.
- An FAQ page similar to what eForms has
- P…
**[Mingle Card: 1664](https://liquidframeworks.mingle.thoughtworks.com/projects/alpine_mobile/cards/1664)**
Automatically detect geolocations in the eforms and query them appropriately.
In trying to [map eForms](https://github.com/OP-TED/ted-rdf-mapping-eforms) field **BT-13714-Tender** there is a possible misalignment seen. Consider the following RDF extract of two `epo:Tender` inst…
Mentioned in https://github.com/open-contracting/european-union-support/issues/116#issuecomment-1292297971 as part of the work mapping the new EU eForms. For eForms there is a need to map statistics t…