Issue with opening the program
Also issue with closing mid-game
Possible q key conflict
Here is my setting in Steam: `gamemoderun mangohud gamescope -f -e -W 3840 -H 2160 -w 3840 -h 2160 -r 160 --hdr-enabled %command% `
I can't find 3840*2160 in the game setting, the highest resoluti…
I tried using these to get Elden Ring to work, but EasyAntiCheat doesn't seem to like that.
First it gives the error code "0xc0000142" and then says that D3D12_original.dll is an "untrusted system …
I tried this program specifically for Elden Ring, since it notoriously allows the mouse cursor to leave the game window every time any kind of menu has been opened regardless of is it "full screen" or…
Can you port your patches to 1.15 please? Love your works, thank you.
Hi, I'm trying to use the companion app in Elden Ring, but the app refuses to enter into SBS 3D mode. I keep pressing right control but it does nothing.
I also tried cyberpunk 2077 with geo3d, it see…
When elden ring isnt running debug toolitself has no problems, but when the game starts and it hooks up, the menus completely freeze, i can't even close it. I don't have any anti virus running or anyt…
Sorry for the translation,
Maybe what I did is temporary but somehow the mapGenie elden ring was unlocked on the mobile.
First install the Kiwi browser app that allows the installation of extensions…
When i click on the batch file it doesn't do anything
I tried to start Elden Ring (steam) and got an error. I have last Sonoma (command line version 15) and Crossover 22.1.1, I used patcher 0.2.17 with GPTK 1 and GPTK 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and still got the erro…