The released code is the proposed cpHMM in this paper. But can I use this code to run the HMM by just setting PERMITTED_MEMORY = 2^W, where W means the window size.
I aligned 38 sequences, average length 72, but including one outlier sequence with a length of 505 and C-terminal homology.
Same thing happens with muscle or belvu. Alignment is long , but I expe…
I have been looking for ways to improve _de novo_ transcriptome assemblies from non-model species by using reference information from amino acid alignments (i.e. HMM profiles) of orthologous ge…
I want use your hmm with hmmer, for conj.hmm models there is no problem but with txss.hmm models hmmer can't use models.
For use hmmer, I must concatenate models with :
`cat *.hmm > macsyfinder_txs…
Hi, recently I try to change model, I create folder "es" to make a model in Spanish, I place there files that required to use pocket sphinx (similar in "en" folder), then change on "microphone.py" to …
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "main.py", line 157, in
File "main.py", line 153, in main
HMMgait3_fullsequence(data, np.where(separation == 'test')[0], n_subjects = data.sh…
Hi Guys
I am trying to use the hmm model for map-matching. After running the hmm algo for various datasets, I found out that the algorithm does not match the last few data points (gps) to desired r…
If we take the [HMM Example](https://turing.ml/dev/tutorials/4-bayeshmm/) from the tutorials section of this project's documentation, everything works as expected. However, if we set one of the values…
I am running fargene using contigs as an input.
It was running ok but when I tried to run all the hmm models, I got the following error messages
_The HMM file **erm_type_a** could not b…