The image looks very blurry when using the scandoubler. using HQ2x aleviates the issue (slightly)
![Lynx - Imgur](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/203427/111817362-36e49780-88de-11eb-98a…
Just leaving a note - no problems building this with devuan ceres or beowulf, aarch64/armhf.
Looking for a scalable SDL backend though. Would be nicer with 2x xbrz or hq2x scaler.
The future stable version 1.3.6 for TheXTech/SMBX is going to have multiple screen resolutions such as 16:9 widescreen, GBA, NDS, SNES, 3DS, and more. For the GBA screen resolution, it would look like…
I downloaded the last minor fix you added on RJL. I love it. I want to point
out some bugs.
The full screen adjustement won't work.As you activate it, the screen turn
Checking the opt…
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In addition to Hq2x like visualboyadvance-m-Win-64bit, I have a wish that Scaling Fitter supports powerful graphic scaling filters like xBRZ 6x.
Currently, `image-rendering: crisp-edges` is defined somewhat abstractly to just be:
> The image must be scaled with an algorithm that preserves contrast and edges in the image,
> and which does n…
Fonts and HUD looks rather blurry when scaled a lot and the recommendation in the help files to stick to integer scales doesn't really help when it does blurry bilinear scaling anyway, it looks like t…
The filters currently named HQx4 and HQx2 are easily confused with the original
HQx filters developed by Maxim Stepin. You can also see in the comment headers
that they're actually named very di…
The filters currently named HQx4 and HQx2 are easily confused with the original
HQx filters developed by Maxim Stepin. You can also see in the comment headers
that they're actually named very di…