I know that the pose estimation is achieved by calculating the offset between the center point and the key points of the skeleton, so whether the independent training pose estimation will affect the p…
Many goal poses that are not reachable from a given robot base pose, could be reachable from another base placement. Ideally we would need to know if a target is reachable independently of the base po…
## Issue description
For aarch64 linux platform, Arm Compute Library ([ACL](https://github.com/ARM-software/ComputeLibrary)) is the recommended GEMM backend for PyTorch via MKLDNN. Currently ACL is…
We now use the improved [`pose-to-video`](https://github.com/sign-language-processing/pose-to-video) based on diffusion models.
We start with a paragraph in German, translate it to German Sign Lan…
### Background
Nomad like [Consul](https://github.com/hashicorp/consul/blob/v1.19.1/agent/consul/rpc.go#L359-L360), uses [yamux](https://github.com/hashicorp/yamux/) for its RPC layer's underlying …
Does anyone have any relevant experience? As I don't want Scenes to interfere with each other due to multithreading and multiprocessing, I created multi OffscreenRenderers running on independent threa…
Optimizer should be:
independent of third party libraries
Linkage-based GA crossover function
Adaptation of Pose Graph method
Original issue repor…
### Enhancement Summary
Basically, the black and grey squares are always showing in 4/4 time, independent of the time signature used. Changing it would allow for easier tracking of the time signature…
In future is posible add dual function, similar a lockscreen?
Start position middle A to B
Slide to left activate funciton A.
Slide to right activate function B.
And A and B independ…
### Preliminary Checks
- [X] This issue is not a duplicate. Before opening a new issue, please search existing issues.
- [X] This issue is not a question, feature request, or anything other than a bu…