### Describe the bug
In the [`step`](https://github.com/isaac-sim/IsaacLab/blob/f7350c72b3e7ac310eda00cbc325b8f80f31e66a/source/extensions/omni.isaac.lab/omni/isaac/lab/envs/direct_rl_env.py#L283) …
MacOS 13.7.1
Current dir has a space in the path; looks like something in the make process isn't handling that correctly.
mbp2018 $ pwd
/Volumes/T5 CDM/Topics-T5/src/db48x
mbp2018 $ mak…
Using the mapping to extrude/revolve a 2D curve in 3D space via the mapping function breaks on the GPU.
See the script below with an example that runs on the CPU but fails on the GPU
### Describe the bug
`Isaac-Lift-Cube-Franka-IK-Abs-v0` with robot based rotated 90 degree, step constant action in robot base frame
The Frame indicates the visualization of target pose
Hi, I am the maintainer/creator of [Esquilax](https://github.com/zombie-einstein/esquilax) a JAX large scale sim and RL environment library.
As a first use case of the library I've been working on…
**we can see in the following gif h1 will fall down when play dance policy after 4500steps trained ,why h1 did't dance well, and what can I do if we h1 dance well,thanks**
after t…
Hi, Georgeoshardo. I encountered the error "KeyError: ['mother_mask_label']" when I ran "my_lineage = Lineage(my_simulation)" in the MM_lineage_example.ipynb. I print the df and did not find any key c…
**Describe the bug**
https://github.com/wpilibsuite/allwpilib/blob/main/wpilibc/src/test/native/cpp/simulation/StateSpaceSimTest.cpp only has the one test of flywheelSim. Add the rest.
**To Reprod…
Hello, I have been to setting up pytorch-gpgpu-sim in this repository.
I wonder..
When I run pytorch in gpgpu-sim, is there anything else to set?
Here's my bashrc configuration.
jswon updated
1 month ago
I'm running into issues reproducing `hod_modeling_tutorial_with_alignments.ipynb`.
I've been able to download and use the example halo catalog `(simname='bolplanck', halo_finder='rockstar', redshift=…