From @sundareswarpullela: Bug found in ARAX Pytest https://github.com/RTXteam/RTX/blob/4c776b4a27d96e1462173abe7963792608d8b879/code/ARAX/test/test_ARAX_expand.py#L247-L257C1
Example: `{'nodes': {'…
HP:0001250 (Seizure) is now part of the MONDO:0005027 (Epilepsy) clique, which is undesirable. I suspect that this is b/c of some UMLS junk.
[Asset 362](https://github.com/NCATSTranslator/Tests/blob/main/test_assets/Asset_362.json) says the expected output name is `ACE inhibitors`. However, the output ID `PUBCHEM.COMPOUND:37056` is `Ethyl4…
See https://github.com/biolink/biolink-model/issues/1156
We are saying Activity, @karafecho thinks ClinicalIntervention may be better. My guess is that this is being handled by the leftover UMLS h…
Ctakes has changed the way it connects to UMLS. I thought you would like to know so you update your Read.me
More info [here](https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CTAKES/cTAKES+…
What: Add SemType/SemGroup lookup for Semantic Type IDs in medspacy (i.e. transform `T038` to `Biologic Function`)
Why: Currently QuickUMLS only attaches Semantic Type IDs (e.g. T038) to extractio…
1. Get UMLS key and download UMLS
2. Read this: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK9685/ and make sure all we need is in MRCONSO, and not MRMAP.RRF and MRSMAP.RRF
3. Obtain MRCONSO.RRF ([schema](…
There are 2 identifiers for levdopa in NN:
PUBCHEM.COMPOUND:6047 (A small molecule)
UMLS:C0023579 (A Protein)
Levdopa is not a protein, but it is an amino acid. I suspect that this is an over-ze…
Three examples from #360 (originally reported at https://github.com/TranslatorSRI/Babel/issues/333):
* MONDO:0007540 not cliqued with DOID:10017
* MONDO:0017169 not cliqued with DOID:3125
* MONDO:0…
This happens sometimes, such as with UMLS:C3890397:
{"type": "biolink:GenomicEntity", "identifiers": [{"i": "UMLS:C3890397", "l": "PRKAA1 wt Allele"}]}
The problem is that [UMLS se…