使用了Eigen::MatrixXf …
您好,我按照ReadMe.txt的指引,新建了conda环境,并运行了setup指令。然后,在运行python generate_optim_largescene.py configs/pointcloud_crop/demo_matterport.yaml时出现了报错,具体内容为:“Cannot import name KDTree”,我是在unbutu20.04的终端内运行的该程序,请问我应该…
the example can run perfectly, but when I take fast_gicp in my own code, I receive signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00007ffff6f05a5a in pcl::search::KdTree::setPointRepresentation(boost::s…
Some time in the last few weeks this stopped working:
``` jl
julia> svds(randn(10,10), nsv=3);
julia> @benchmark svds(randn(10,10), nsv=3)
ERROR: MethodError: `*` has no method matching *(::Int64, :…
List of backends for approximate nearest neighbours (ANN) search:
- [x] `RcppHNSW::RcppHNSW`
- [x] `RcppAnnoy`
- [x] `mlpack` with `lsh`, `knn`, `krann`
- [x] ~~`RANN`~~
- [x] `rnndescent`
Hello, I want to use the point cloud I collected to test the pre-trained model on semanticKITTI. I just convert the ply file to .npy and put it in velodyne, but it will show that the array is out of b…
AttributeError: module 'open3d' has no attribute 'KDTreeFlann'
When I tried to use the static-kdtree package in my browser based project, it gave me this error in the typedarray-pool's pool.js
`pool.js:8 Uncaught ReferenceError: global is not defined
at …
The latest post-processing code will account for the systematic uncertainty in the ASKAP positions, so we can now set ra_uncertainty and dec_uncertainty to zero.
However, this breaks the pipeline:
hdbscan 0.6.5, sklearn 0.17.0
calling HDBSCAN.fit() with algorithm=boruvka_kdtree or boruvka_balltree, i sometimes get this following error. it works fine with algorithm=prims_kdtree or prims_balltre…