Conveyance Comments field alias is misspelled "Conveyacne Comments"
Some of the site_names in the OTG survey data don't match with the centerline Site_ID. Things like LowerLemhi3_2019 vs. Lowerlemhi3_2019, or Lower Lemhi_2, or even "Lemhi River". We can fix this by ha…
**Real-world Problem:** While GPS accuracy is good enough for several of the waypoint types - damage assessments really need to placed on the actual building they are observing. While we are trying to…
When going back in to edit a submitted inspection, photos cannot be deleted. This may be an issue if the user inadvertently submitted an inspection and realized it was inaccurate. There should be an o…
There are 7 pools in 2018 data with a max depth of 0. This seems incorrect.
The original sponsor of the app left DAQ a few years ago. Since then DAQ has developed a Survey123 app and some other AGOL capabilities to replace their need for the compliance application.
- **App…
Will inspection type be captured in a field? Does the type of inspection impact the required fields needed based on the chosen inspection type?
Survey123 product supports both tags (when authoring a survey) currently, although we can extend the list when using the library, just wondering if `` and `` tags can be supported in the default list/…
@talllguy Should we/I update the thumbnails for the groups and edit maps/apps? Maybe changing the thumbnail slightly to vary more than just the text would help with some confusion between "what is wha…
Showing flow depth even when flow is false is a logical issue.