Hi, thanks for your great work!
I've built the GNSS_SI under the ROS directory following your instructions. And the executable file is generated without errors:
[ 75%] Linking CXX execut…
I have purchased the mecanum robot (RPI + Arduino 2560) and I have tried to do the first tests. I have followed the document in https://github.com/MoebiusTech/ros_arduino-mega: **Mbsbot ros sm…
- [ ] Using the simple accelerometer and gyrometer.
- [ ] Using the accelerometer to turn the bot right.
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. in IMUupdate set input for gyro always = 0 (that mean use only accelerometer)
2. run the IMUupdate fast ( 500hz (halfT of 0,001 or 0,002) )
What is the …
S'assurer que le node de l'IMU publie bien un message de type sensor_msgs/Imu dans /imu_data.
## Requirements
- [ ] APB interface to interract with CoreI2C (Microsemi)
- [ ] Initial configuration of IMU
- [ ] Data gathering from IMU
Add an IMU to the turret to track rotational movements and to monitor heading position
After this, implement PID control system issue
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. in IMUupdate set input for gyro always = 0 (that mean use only accelerometer)
2. run the IMUupdate fast ( 500hz (halfT of 0,001 or 0,002) )
What is the …
Could you please provide an example of how to read 9-axis IMU and barometer data on an Aerocore2 for Jetson? It is not clear from the documentation exactly which pins are connected to the gyro, w…
Now that all the IMUs and FTs in the iCub and ergoCub robots we use have been migrated to multipleAnalogSensors interfaces, we can drop the use of IGenericSensor and IAnalogSensor in the YarpSensorBri…