**Current team to-dos**
- [x] Confirm [README](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VkuVKqsFI9ojixaAPHaX-jrpUq0HP81Hgf53DUM-nRQ/edit#heading=h.my4hgyykpjmd) is up-to-date, and add new team member to t…
``` scala
package com.jpmorgan.spg.spray.fijimf
import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorRef, ActorSystem, Props}
import akka.event.Logging
import akka.io.IO
import akka.pattern.ask
import akka.util.Timeout
Define the core features: Based on the requirements you mentioned, you could define core features such as a dashboard for managers, scheduling tools, time and attendance management, employee profiles …
[original: nusCS2113-AY1920S1/pe-interim#852]
A public-facing app which will allow residents to "rent" barricades for small street events.
### Background & Context
One aspect is to allow residents to rent a set of barricades on a first come…
![Screen Shot 2022-04-16 at 5.06.54 PM.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nus-cs2113-AY2122S2/pe/master/files/b833de73-7e31-4c9b-a2c4-1c9e29529acf.png)
How to reproduce: Check User Guide for avai…
There has been a recent request for longer snapshot retention via SLM in ECE/ECS.
This is understandable since the default of of 100 snapshots retained and taken at 30 minute intervals only gives the…
Allowing overlap of events would be beneficial to students since many lessons/projects end up overlapping in student life. Changing it to just showing the user a warning would be better
esp recurring…
I have tried to remove pg:backups schedules on many apps where the database addon was destroyed but the schedule was not removed first. The schedule
**I have an app with the following PG database:**
The timetable displayed is inaccurate:
Short meeting starts at 00:00
but timetable d…