I am interested in using RefSeq as a Kraken database and supplementing it with sequences from Genbank. If there are multiple sequences from closely related organisms in the database, will kraken have …
Do you think centrifuge would be successful at classifying 16S reads from Oxford Nanopore? The nanopore reads cover the entire 16S gene (1522bp) but have a high error rate (10-15%). Have you tried …
There are several VBO terms that may not represent breeds and need to be reviewed because they could (1) be outside of the scope of VBO because they do not appear to be breeds, or (2) be grouping term…
I'm very much interested in using the HumGut database, but I have a few questions about the taxonomy files.
1) I wanted to include the Kraken DB for viruses and fungi to explore these other…
Hi again!
Just thinking about the RefSeq versus GenBank question for analysis of a metagenome (containment). Aware that Sourmash may struggle with similar genomes (ie strains) due to a smaller numb…
This seems wrong. Hierochloe R.Br. should remain a grass (_Poaceae_)
"count": 2698,
"verbatim_kingdom": "Plantae",
"verbatim_phylum": "null",
"verbatim_class": "null",
The Iris Flower Classification project involves developing a machine learning model to classify iris flowers into three species: Setosa, Versicolor, and Virginica. Using the widely recognized Iris d…
## Project Request
In this mushroom classification problem, the objective is to create a robust machine-learning model that can accurately determine the edibility of a mushroom-based on its binar…
Thanks to XXX: " - - This solution does not resolve all duplicates in the strain level data, so in the profile-level phyloseq object taxa rownames are simply indexes ‘sp’ * This is an issue because so…