#### Description :octocat:
I ran `configuration-layer/update-packages` command. The command asked to restart emacs. After emacs restart I saw a default emacs, not a Spaceemacs with the error saying s…
**Note: for support questions, please use one of these channels:**
#### Short description of the problem:
ng serve keep…
ghost updated
7 years ago
Boa tarde, estou com um problema quando habilito as url's amigáveis. O módulo de rescrita de url está ativado no administrador e o .htacess configurado, tanto que funciona todos os links do site em …
I'm trying to set up RetroPie on a SolidRun Cubox-i. I'm using their official jessie image as a starting point. I get the impression from the wiki that compatibility with non-Pi platforms is at least …
Mumudvb stop descrambling channels after 5-10 minutes, oscam is running and connected to dvbapi, but i don't undersand why doesn't mumudvb continue descrambling channels even with oscam connec…
Need to check interference between this and photons for puppi correction. Probably just need to make sure the correct photon collection…
For :bug: bug reports, please fill out the information below plus any additional relevant information. If this is a feature request, feel free to clear the form.
**Short problem description**
ghost updated
7 years ago
We want to exclude bad content from our backbone API, e.g. wikipedia images or descriptions should not be exposed on species pages and thus also not on the species API. All content should still be vis…
Replace std::mapstd::string,exotica::Scene_ptr with just exotica::Scene_ptr.
This variable and corresponding getters/setters appear in a lot of depending source files - refactor accordingly.
There is the plannerPublisher and ikServer. There are just a few branches in the code:
In JointLimitChecker:
# update limits on server