Currently we are using the 639-1 (two letters) code for most languages. However there are the following codes that use the language-region format:
* fy-NL
* ga-IE
* hi-IN (see https://github.com/…
BPO | [17206](https://bugs.python.org/issue17206)
--- | :---
Nosy | @malemburg, @brettcannon, @jcea, @amauryfa, @mdickinson, @vstinner, @larryhastings, @benjaminp, @jkloth, @asvetlov, @davidmalcolm, @…
### Motivation
One of the biggest invonveniences and sources of frustration is spaCy's current [JSON format for training](https://spacy.io/api/annotation#section-training). It's weirdly specific, a…
As soon as there is no regular way to input accented vowels, they should be auto replaced with normal vowels before morphologic speller and POS tagging.
No tag found:
Бóльшую - -
Same word:
## Proposal
Add the `|>` pipe operator to the `Data.Function` module, similar to the already existing `&`:
infixl 0 |>
(|>) :: forall r a (b :: TYPE r). a -> (a -> b) -> b
x |> f =…
## 请输入您的问题描述,或您预期的功能 please describe the bug or the function you expect
- 函数名 function name:
dictionary_loader.py -》 chinese_char_dictionary_loader
## 请输入报错的文本,以及代码 please input the text and co…
Absolute clauses with *with* may contain verbless predication. Now documented [here](https://universaldependencies.org/en/dep/advcl.html).
These EWT sentences need to be fixed:
- [x] With these …
@abausi @FrancescaPanini @eu-genia have developed the following list of corrections to be made to the styles.
This need to be tested, eventually implemented and submitted to the CSL style repository…
Define a format for all recommendations.
Currently we're using the format proposed by the Kubernetes Working Group naming, but this doesn't have to be what this group ends up with.
I suggest th…
I am new to sense2vec. Is there a way we can train another dataset using sense2vec instead of using reddit? How can we do that?