Use this as a reference: https://forums.alliedmods.net/showpost.php?p=2650944&postcount=15
Try griefing now sucka
Is it possible to add more colors to the chat? I think it would be nice for the server owner to be able to customize the color of the text in the chat. This feature will also be available both in scri…
Would be nice to see how people connect to us.
Note that people can supply their own connect reasons
`connect here_to_troll`
This would provide similar functionality to https://forums.…
Sourcebans uses KeyValues to make admin configs, which are not case sensitive and randomly get casing wrong update after update. (Will root keyvalues with "group" instead of "Group" sometimes).
Описание проблемы на alliedmods:
Если использовать GetClientLanguage() в OnClientPutInServer() без таймера, иногда это происходит в…
its nice to have option to start update immidietly and only if needed.
### Description
Hi there.
In **community servers** I have some troubles with **ip rate limit**.
Sometimes I get freeze server with some output in console (check screenshot)
Watchdog didn't resta…
Don't know if it's already fixed (i think it isn't)
When you use a simple plugin to attach players to a camera to see your player (3er person view), for example:
//// AutoDemo_FTPUpload.sp
// E:\SourcePawn\addons\sourcemod\scripting\include\cURL.inc(152) : fatal error 196: deprecated syntax; see https://wiki.alliedmods.net/SourcePawn_Transitional_Syntax#T…