Ensure part works as expected.
Include the following for each component:
- [x] Photo/Video of working "liveness"
- [x] Expected Result
- [x] Instructions for implementation
- [x] (If Applicable…
Improve function that corresponds to buzzer
speed up rate. (i.e use exponential/log function)
Improve game time, etc. as needed in relation to buzzer time.
Relevant code is coffeescript in games.js.co…
As a player i want to be able to have a buzzer on my phone so that i can :
- Join the team of my choice
- Push the buzzer to answer the current question
Create a bunch of sounds for various emotions:
1)soft attention - upon change of environment (lights on)
2)attention - upon need to open a window
3)bad - if someone blows a co2 canister at it
where and how i can define various Buzzer-Sounds
for various Brew-Steps
in which file the Buzzer-Sounds are defined ?
what is the command to call the Buzzer-Sound ?
thanks for …
**Note on outreach**
by email, copied sergio@pk integrations@pd
FQBN: esp32:esp32:esp32
Using board 'esp32' from platform in folder: /home/dov3/.arduino15/packages/esp32/hardware/esp32/3.0.5
Using core 'esp32' from platform in folder: /home/dov3/.arduino15/pac…
It would be nice to have an explicit buzzer output. The should probably be an output type on the mixer table and then can be sourced from an explicit buzzer output UAVO. It would be nice to have a lis…