While I find the lists of TF names here (https://resources.aertslab.org/cistarget/tf_lists/), I cannot find anywhere which genes / motifs these TFs correspond to. I'd like to associate each TF in the …
We won't be able to consider our initial new graph complete without gene to phenotype associations capturing from the major model organisms.
Pulling from Alliance phenotype submission files (https…
Hi Ivan,
we tested Graphmap to align RNA-seq reads to the reference genome. For benchmark purposes, we tried to align the [reference transcripts](ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-89/gtf/drosophil…
FLybase and SGD have more complex multi-term phenotypes that require special consideration in the modeling.
We need to plan and implement ingests for these.
Dear all,
The proposal has been made to obsolete
GO:0044255 cellular lipid metabolic process
GO:0097384 cellular lipid biosynthetic process
GO:0044242 cellular lipid catabolic process
see …
Ideally, intrinsic neurons have all of their synapses restricted to a particular region of the CNS. In real life there may be a few stray synapses just outside the region.
Label: 'synapses restrict…
From @dexink
I was just about to ask about whether there was already a ticket! ha
...Because the more I check into Aro1, the more I don't like it.
The length, weight, etc., were originally publis…
It exists in FlyBase
And we have a registered image
mmc46 updated
8 years ago