gradlew setupDecompWorkspace fails:
> FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
> * Where:
> Build file 'C:\Razorjack\minecraft\dev-1.8\src\Highlands\build.gradle' line: 18
> * What w…
ghost updated
6 years ago
Some time ago, an error with OpenAL began to appear when launching the client from the IDE.
First like this:
After some time, the error became larger and the client …
C:\Users\Jonas\Documents\Programmieren\Git\WorldDownloader>gradlew install
Downloading https://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-4.9-all.zip
ghost updated
3 years ago
Since a few days, I can no longer compile with dependencies on EnderCore with gradle as Maven can't find the deobf for EnderCore.
Gradle 4.10.2
ForgeGradle 2.3
gradlew build
> Configure p…
I am right now trying to make automation work with this project.
And 1.7.10 & 1.12.2 work fine, but i am convering the range of 1.7.10-1.8.9-1.10.2-1.11.2-1.12.2
And funnily enough 1.8.9 isn't s…
building in 1.7.10 doesn't work anymore because some maven websites decided to force use HTTPS, and the version of gradle 1.7.10 has uses HTTP.
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the [Dependency Dashboard](https://docs.renovatebot.com/key-concepts/dashboard/) docs to learn more.
## Repository problems
These pr…
Currently, ForgeGradle's userdev plugin [checks the `minecraft` configuration](https://github.com/MinecraftForge/ForgeGradle/blob/014a07ed144888fe6c39adf1df6d51c05490b8b6/src/userdev/java/net/minecraf…
When I run `./gradlew test` for my mod, it will not actually run the tests. I know this because I have a call to `fail` in one of the tests, which should always fail that test. See line 40 of the test…
Probably due to how a `ClasspathExec` task gets the java launcher convention during initialization, and that type of task is created when this plugin is applied. Not sure if it is really an issue, but…