Year two, second generated novel.
Should not log the error generated by a header timeout. The error message is not novel nor actionable. Only useful for debugging.
### Introduction
We wanted to work collaboratively as a group to generate a mash-up style novel around the theme 'being human'. Each of the 8 authors selected one or more texts from Project Gutenbe…
https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/List of languages (written or programming) used in NaNoGenMo 2015.
See [2014's incomplete survey](https://github.com/dariusk/NaNoGenMo-2014/iss…
a novel of content generated by looping a spoken phrase through a speech to text, text to speech feedback loop.
[See here](http://adamferriss.com/speech/)
I would like to do an out of out of process retry rather than using ginkgo's retry mechanisms.
1. Run my usual ginkgo command
2. process the output file for failed tests
3. Run the gink…
Novel generated using Markov chains modelled off of _Star Trek: The Next Generation_ scripts.
Trying to understand a discrepancy between my much loved mlst vs CGE webtool (https://cge.cbs.dtu.dk/services/).
I have an isolate of S.suis, sequenced with Illumina > denovo assembled contigs gene…
> Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) represent an attractive and novel approach to generate realistic data, such as genes, proteins, or drugs, in synthetic biol…
Repeating the README here for convenience:
_Nif_ is a novel generated for NaNoGenMo 2013. It is about a petulant child (possibly named Nif) who has just…