## What
A list of links related to the current page. Appears on the right hand side of a page on large screen devices.
Example on GOV.UK [Renew your driving licence](https://www.gov.uk/renew-drivi…
Use this issue to discuss [typography](https://design-system.service.gov.uk/styles/typography/) in the GOV.UK Design System, including [links](https://design-system.service.gov.uk/styles/links/) and […
Use this issue to discuss [this component in the GOV.UK Design System](https://design-system.service.gov.uk/components/panel/).
Use this issue to discuss the [accordion component in the GOV.UK Design System](https://design-system.service.gov.uk/components/accordion/).
Also known as: Modal window, pop-up
## What
A pop up window that appears over the current page and requires interaction before the user can proceed.
## Why
Services using this pattern:
> Hi folks,
> A colleague has noticed what appears to be an issue with the accordion pattern: deep links to an anchor in another section do not work if the section is not expanded.
> We've e…
## There is a problem with the service pages
Also known as 500 pages, Technical problem pages
Use this issue to discuss [this pattern in the GOV.UK Design System](https://design-system.service.g…
## What
Alternatives to the default green button style.
## Why
There is sometimes a need to differentiate between buttons. For example, where there are multiple buttons on a page and some nee…
## What
Buttons that look like links, for secondary or tertiary actions.
_Example of two buttons – one using our default ('primary') button style, and one styled to look like a link._
## …
Use this issue to discuss [this component in the GOV.UK Design System](https://govuk-design-system-production.cloudapps.digital/components/error-summary/).