I am trying to use VEP to annotate variants called against T2T-CHM13, and trying to predict missense variants deleteriousness, but the link to download [homo_sapiens_pangenome_PolyPhen_SIFT_202…
2021-04-19 06:16:29 IST] Downloading iGenome in Download ONLY mode.
--2021-04-19 06:16:29-- ftp://igenome:*password*@ussd-ftp.illumina.com/Homo_sapiens/UCSC/hg19/Homo_sapiens_UCSC_hg19.tar.gz
rot_depth_xyz = rot_xyz.unsqueeze(2).repeat(1, 1, num_depth, 1) * depth_values.view(batch, 1, num_depth,
I am trying to use the beta functions
but facing this error (log below), any ideas how to pr…
### Description of the bug
Experiencing 137 on samtools sort, after talking with slack community and seqeria, seems to be related to [this](https://github.com/nf-core/methylseq/pull/330)
### Command…
bc2zb updated
4 weeks ago
When I run "HSED. py", it prompts that "s_bool_A_tid_tid. npz" does not exist. This may be due to the lack of use of 'struct_graph_from_df' and 'to_dgl_graph'. Could you solve this problem?
Since there are some questions about visualization, I've listed the solutions below.
1. Use the ORIGINAL data (trajectories in meters, which I've updated named with 'true_pos_origin.csv') and downl…
问题描述1:可以使用dag发起homo_nn 和 hetero_nn的训练流程吗?如果能发起,可不可以传一些dag案例作为参考?
问题描述2:下面dag发起test_nn_binary流程,运行到homo_nn_0组件时就报错“list indices must be integers or slices, not str”,应该怎么修改dag文件呢?
File "/d…
I am working on a plant species with an estimated genome size of 2.2 Gb and heterozygous rate of 0.5% (estimated by genomesCope based on HiFi data). I ran hifiasm with HiFi data and Valid Hi-C …
Hello, I'm unable to install this tool. Please advise.
(anarci) jdv@delarge ~/code/ANARCI:
pip install .
Processing /Users/jdv/code/ANARCI
Preparing metadata (setup.py) ... done