Most of the examples in Drasil require an ODE solver. In Drasil we don't have information set up about an ODE library for Julia. Thus, enabling `Bundled` inputs in Julia (via structs) isn't actually…
I am trying to solve this system of ODEs
from sympy import *
RC, t, C, Vs, L, R1, V0, I0 = symbols("RC t C Vs L R1 V0 I0")
V= Function("V")
I = Function("I")
system = [Eq(V(t).diff(t), -1/…
Serialize SBML ODEs to diffrax/Jax format.
Need a capability for solving ODEs at the centroid of the element. This will involve adding material property storage for that point as well.
This should essentially mirror the NodalKernel capabilit…
### Describe the desired feature
This was again brought to my attention by https://forums.wesnoth.org/viewtopic.php?p=694156#p694156, and is actually more an idea than an actual request: I think we c…
Hi, I am absolutely new to diffrax and trying to get the basics of it (great work by the way).
I am a bit confused concerning the syntax for solving systems of ODEs. In the documentation discussin…
Develop material for a ~2hr workshop (slides, etc) and try and run that in the MRC centre. Cover basic use - not sure if both odes and stochastic models make sense. Some theory (the graph stuff in p…
It would be nice to build the transformation equations for these kinds of things https://docs.sciml.ai/latest/extras/sensitivity_math/ directly from the IR since that would make it much faster by avoi…
This analysis is to find out whether using the single-ODE parametrisation of the closed-population SIR leads to a substantial gain/loss in two respects:
(i) Computational: are there differences in…
At the moment, `desolve` behaves like this even with trivial separable ODEs:
sage: t = var('t')
sage: y=function('y')(t)
sage: desolve(diff(y,t)-y^2,y)
-1/y(t) == _C + t
sage: desolve(diff(y,t)…