If I ssh to a remote host and start firefox, I see a kernel panic. I took [a video](https://photos.app.goo.gl/gSdGjfmyvFtKAeir8) to try and capture the message that very briefly appears on the screen…
We'd like to provide support for other models of mutation. Here is a proposal for how to do this, in a two-stage protocol, that separates generating locations of the mutations (which can be done indep…
I am trying to get tree with several polished.fasta sequences, and I am getting the next error:
Error loading MSA: cannot parse any format supported by RAxML-NG!
Please re-run with --msa-…
I got an error at the last step when I ran one of my samples using graftM, while the other samples were fine. Can anyone advise me about the issue? Thanks
05/17/2018 04:10:32 PM INFO: Working on SB…
CWL descriptions for each tool
- [x] seqprep https://github.com/ProteinsWebTeam/ebi-metagenomics-cwl/pull/4
- [x] trimmomatic https://github.com/common-workflow-language/workflows/pull/132
Order …
I can't get the bwa step to proceed. When it starts running the bwa mem command it returns an error ('Error running command, check snps.log'). It happens when I use fasta or gbk (prokka 1.12 output) a…
I'm running Python v2.7 and matplotlib v1.5.0 on Mac OS X Yosemite. Up to recently, I was able to run my script in the interactive interpreter, show a plot, and then manually kill the window. For exam…
ethan@gandalf:~$ retriever install postgres EltonTraits
=> Installing Mammal and Bird foraging attributes -- Wilman, et al., 2014
Creating database EltonTraits...
Couldn't create database (schema …
This morning I tried to upload a tree figure from my work computer and was unable to do so. Error message below. Our network here is very wonky and I have never encountered this error on my laptop whi…