Without meaning to overstep any boundaries, i think the [`pkgdown`](https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/) R package would really enhance the reach, useabililty, and readability of your package. pkgdown will con…
This package (https://github.com/robjhyndman/ozbabynames) was intended to be an Australian version of the US babynames package (https://cran.r-project.org/package=babynames). It has not been updated s…
Since the rendering of the pkgdown site confirms the vignette runs, we exclude running it from the Ubuntu `R CMD check` for efficiency, but we probably want to confirm it runs on mac and Windows.
@dsjohnson tell me if you want me to go ahead with a pkgdown website for the package ... it would host the vignette online to allow us to get feedback on input/output formatting
Dear @leeper:
Can we tweak settings so that we can display pkgdown sites for the package?
I have done that in my other org. For instance,
It is under s…
I would really like to see the documentation turned into a `pkgdown` site for ease of navigation. Then hosted somewhere like GitHub pages. I think this will make exploring the package much easier.
First install pkgdown
website creation
This creates a folder called docs and push that folder to ma…
Is this package too bare-bone?
@maelle: Can you please take a look?
### System details
RStudio Edition : Server
RStudio Version : 2023.12.1+402.pro1 Workbench (Ocean Storm) for RHEL 9
OS Version : ubuntu/rhel
R Version :
### St…
Currently, it simply picks the first URL from all URLs specified in the `DESCRIPTION` file.
But I gu…